Award Compliance

Your partner in award compliance from start to finish

What does award compliance mean?

Award Compliance addresses obligations specific to a sponsored award that are required by the sponsor in return for financially supporting a grant, contract or cooperative agreement, or as dictated by the award’s scope of work.

How does the OCG Compliance Team help you?

Throughout the lifecycle of an award, the Compliance Team offers dedicated support in the following areas:

Even before you apply for the award, OCG Compliance can, in conunction with your proposal analyst, guide you through requirements to identify resources you need.

Certifications & Representations

Sponsors often require CU to certify the University’s funding management processes before project funding can be received.

Key certifications include:

  • Compliance with cost accounting standards
  • Maintaining a drug-free workplace
  • Having a whistleblower policy
  • Assurance that funds will not be used for lobbying
  • Prohibition of employees who are suspended, debarred, or charged with crimes from managing federal funds


  • Budget justifications and scope of work must clearly explain how proposed property and equipment purchases are reasonable, allocable, and essential for the project.
  • Having this information readily available at the start will help Department Administrators, OCG, and other central offices assist Principal Investigators (PIs) in managing these purchases.
  • OCG Compliance can also guide PIs and Department Administrators on allowable costs related to fabrications.

Learn more about Property and Fabrications.

Restricted Research Guidance

For some projects, CU is required to meet additional security requirements as outlined by the Federal Government.  The OCG Compliance team provides guidance for PIs and Departments in navigating additional requirements of restricted research. 

Contact Justin Mack for Restricted Research Guidance.

Borrowing or Lending (Bailment Agreements)

If equipment is leaving campus, submit an Off-Campus form with the Property Accounting Office. OCG Compliance can help determine if a Bailment Agreement is necessary or if there are any sponsor restrictions.


OCG Compliance supports the Principal Investigator (PI) and department to complete property reports for sponsors as required by the award's terms. This includes annual reports to agencies, national labs, and federal sponsors at the end of the federal fiscal year. A report may still be required if no accountable property was acquired on an award.

Research compliance is complex, and OCG Compliance helps ensure that all obligations related to sponsored projects are met. Please reach out to the team about these topics and when you are in question of anything compliance related:

Reports Required: Deliverables often include reports mandated by the sponsor, which must be submitted on or before the specific due date to comply with award conditions.

OCG Compliance Role: Assists Principal Investigators (PIs) with submissions and stores semi-annual, annual, and final reports in the official award record.

Overdue reports can create consequences, such as suspended funding from the sponsor to the entire institution

Technical Reporting

PI Responsibilities: PIs must submit reports detailing project progress, milestones, and any new inventions.

Common report types include:

  • RPPR (Research Performance Progress Report)
  • Technical Report
  • Performance Report
  • Project Report

Due dates: Annual and final technical or summary of research reports are considered deliverables and must meet sponsor due dates outlined in the award document.

Patents and Inventions

Invention Reports: If required, patent and invention reports may need to be submitted separately. Contact OCG at for assistance.

Collaboration: OCG Compliance works with the Principal Investigator (PI), department, accounting, and sponsor to facilitate the closeout of the award.

Timeline: All projects must be closed out within 120 days of the award end date.

Requirements: Closeout requirements are based on Federal Agency standards and specific award terms.

OCG Compliance Support: Assists PIs and departments with administrative tasks, including:

  • Submission of final technical and progress reports
  • Patent and property reports

Financial Closeout: Managed by the Campus Controller’s Office, which handles financial reports and invoices.

Meet the Team

Penny Mathews

Assistant Director, Compliance

Betty Rasmussen

Senior Compliance Officer

Vanessa Denny

Compliance Officer

Dorinda Monson

Compliance Officer

Laura Hinshaw

Compliance Administrator

Find your department's Compliance Officer in the Directory.

Other Boulder Campus Compliance Offices & Resources

Office of Research Integrity (ORI)

ORI is committed to scientific and ethical integrity in all research activities. Often referred to as Research Compliance, this office supports regulatory compliance requirements involving:

Ethics and Compliance Information

Ethics and Compliance is dedicated to fostering an environment promoting the University’s values and ethical commitment to responsible conduct on the Boulder campus for all faculty, staff, and students.